Monetize your music and music videos

BeatNet is designed to serve a tool for music artists of all genres and music video models to monetize their music, music videos and network with other artists.

Getting started

Network with other music artists and music video models!

BeatNet is an exclusive network of music artists, music video models, beat makers, music producers, and music-based individuals and companies who want to monetize their music, albums, music videos, engage closer with their followers, network with others in the music industry both large and small and get their music more out there while easily monetizing their earnings more effectively and quicker than the vast majority of music monetization platforms out there.

Create a free account

Creating an account is free and simple. Create a professional, monetized platform through BeatNet and greatly increase your music-based earnings.

Create great music-based content

On BeatNet you have the opportunity to create great music-based content centered around your music platform and monetize it.

Grow your network

Through BeatNet you will have the opportunity to grow your network and network with others in the music industry.


Create your profile in few minutes

Whether you are a music artist, beat maker, music video models, or music-based company, looking to create exclusive memberships where you monetize creating custom music for followers, or custom music-based promos or to expand your market, BeatNet has something for everyone in the music industry.

Getting started

Music Earnings Simulator

Calculate how much you can earn based on the number of followers and their rate

You could earn an estimated USD per month*

* Based on an estimate of 5% of your followers who subscribe (Does not include payment processor fees)

* Includes the 15% platform fee

Get started today

Start generating profits with your quality music-based content

Getting started